Lemon Surprise Cake


Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Lemon Surprise Cake is a very easy recipe to make. This is a lemon lovers dream dessert. The cake has a great lemon surprise on the inside and is topped with a creamy marshmallow topping. This is one of those recipes that can be served for a special occasion or a weeknight family meal. 
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Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
How To Make Lemon Surprise Cake
Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Pour the prepared batter into a 9X13 baking dish.
Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Drop tablespoons of the pie filling
on top of the cake batter. With a thin skewer, swirl 
the pie filling into the batter.
Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes.
Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Mix the topping and spread it on the cooled cake.
Garnish the top with fresh lemon zest.
Lemon Surprise Cake at Miz Helen's Country Cottage
This cake is ready to serve!
Enjoy your cake!
It is our pleasure to have you stop by the cottage to share this dessert with us. I hope you have a wonderful week and come back to see us real soon!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. This looks so tasty, I could just eat some.

  2. I love lemon! Miz Helen, thank you for sharing with us at SSPS, I sure appreciate it!


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Miz Helen