Full Plate Thursday 2-28-13

Full Plate Thursday Where The Greatest Cooks On The Planet Gather

I hope you didn't have to come down our road behind the snow plow, I know that for some of you it has been really bad. Come on in this cottage get warm by the fire and I will get you a nice cup of hot Chocolate with a wonderful scone. When it is really cold out, I think of gathering in a cozy place with friends and enjoying great food, so I can't wait to see what you have brought to share today.

 I have been nominated for the Voice Boks  Top Food Blog 2013,  I would really appreciate your vote.
 I would appreciate it if someone who Tweets could please Tweet this for me, I haven't learned that 
"Tweetting Thing" yet, girls I am doing good to get this post up for all of you, lol.  
You' al are so kind and I am thanking you in advance!

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Low Fat Sausage Cheese Omelet   at A Cozy Place Called Home
A Power Breakfast   at My Healthy Eating Habits
For The Kids
Healthy Smoothie For Breakfast  at Natural Mothers Network.com 
Morning Snack
Cherry Turnovers  at Turnips 2 Tangerines
Shredded Fiesta Lime Chicken Tacos  at The Salty Kitchen
Toasted Coconut Chai Macaroons  at Living A Renaissance Life
Afternoon Snack
Strawberry Milkshake Cupcake  at Annie's Noms
Curried Lentil Salad   at Food Connections
Asiain Baked Salmon with Veggie Fried Rice   at Love Bakes Good Cakes
Full of Green Beans   at My Sisters Pantry
Easy Coconut Cream Cake  at Barnes and Noodles
Food Preservation
Quick Dill Pickled Watermelon Radish  at Poor and Gluten Free
Feeding The Critters
Star Bird Feeder  at Mamal Diane

If You Are Featured Please Take The Red Plate Home
 The Code Is On The Side Bar

Full Plate Thursday Background Story
When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".

When you link to Full Plate Thursday, you are giving me permission to use a photo or link from your Post in a feature post on this blog, on Pinterest, or Face Book
Every Week, I feature many of your Recipes on the next Full Plate Thursday, and on What's For Dinner Next Week, and I pin many of your recipes to Pinterest.
Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday somewhere on your post.
Please visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course.
Please leave me a comment and let me know you are here, I really do want to be a good hostess.
Now God Bless You and Your Food and Everyone Fill Your Plate!

 Thank You So Much For Coming Today and Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Thanks for the party, Miz Helen! Enjoy the rest of your week! :)

    Brenda @ChattingOverChocolate.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Miz Helen, I have been missing the party for too long, happy to be able to join you. Congrats on being nominated and I will certainly vote for you. Good luck! xo

  3. Congratulations Miz Helen on your nomination. Woo hoo!!!!! I will certainly vote for you. You deserve it. Thank you for hosting your party. Best of luck to you. xo

  4. Yay Miz Helen! And thanks so very much for the feature! Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  5. Thanks for the party. Enjoy your week, Miz Helen!
    Good Luck with the contest!

  6. Hey Miz Helen~ Thanks for hosting this fun party each week and Congrats on your nomination! I will definitely vote for you! Thank you also for featuring my Cherry Turnovers!! What a wonderful surprise! Have a Great Week and see you next time:) Lynn H @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  7. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen! I enjoy taking part each week. Congratulations on your nomination. I will surely vote for you. :-) Have a great night. Many blessings, Lisa :-)

  8. Thanks so much for hosting, Miz Helen! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Just realized I hadn't become a fan yet on FB. Well, I have now with my personal account. ;-)

  9. Good luck Miz Helen! Thanks for hosting.

  10. Congratulations on your nomination–I just voted for you! :)

  11. Congratulations -- you got a thumbs up from me! Thanks for hosting!

  12. Thank you so much for hosting your great party, Miz Helen!

  13. Thanks for this party Miz Helen - I sure am enjoying your blog!

  14. Thanks a lot for hosting Miz Helen. Love this event!

  15. Hi Miz Helen, I've linked up my Greens Soup today - my favorite way of eating my greens :)

  16. Voted! Good luck, Miz Helen :-) Thank you for hosting and enjoy the rest of your day!

  17. Yay for you on your nomination. I'll surely vote for you. :)
    Thanks for hosting...

  18. okey doke....I voted for ya....and will put this on my sidebar to help spread the news...:))

  19. Thank you for the party Miz Helen
    I've just voted for you :)

  20. Happy Thursday! We linked up a terrific crockpot recipe today.

  21. Congratulations and good luck. That's fabulous news. I've linked Ina's Beef Bourguignon, which is perfect for the cold weather.

    Thanks for hosting and again, best of luck.

  22. Thank you so much for hosting and the feature Miz Helen :) On my way to vote for you!

  23. I was thinking about you Miz Helen, when I heard about how hard Texas got hit with snow. Weird storm... glad you are OK. I tweeted and voted for you with Voice Bok.. good luck.

  24. How awesome! I voted for you and gave you a TWEET!!!! lol Have a super day!!! xoxo SusieQTpies

  25. You are a wonderful hostess...congrats on your nomination.
    Love these blog link-ups,wish I had time to visit every one.

  26. Miz Helen, I voted and tweeted! Good luck!! :)

    ~Joy @ Yesterfood

  27. I love your parties Miz Helen! Thanks for taking the time to host them each week!

    1. And I also just went over and voted for you too :)

  28. Shovelling snow has been quite the workout around here. I call it Canadian Cardio! Thank you for hosting the party! I brought Veggie Runzas for anyone looking for new vegan ideas for Lent.

  29. Thanks for hosting. There is so many great delicious looking recipes on here that I kinda feel bad about posting my Detox water. LOL. Have a great weekend!

  30. Hi Miz Helen! Hope you've had a lovely week! Today I've shared my grain and sugar free banana and walnut bread.

    Thank you for hosting!

  31. Hi Miz Helen- You got my vote! Hope you are having a great week. I wish winter would get the heck out of Texas. I can't wait to try those tacos you shared at my party earlier this week. Something to warm me up. See you soon.

  32. Thanks for hosting Miz. Helen. Happy to link up again.

  33. New follower here! So glad I came across your blog and this link up party. Thanks so much for hosting!!!

  34. Hi Miz Helen--so sweet to be featured. Thanks ever so much. Your fabulous weekly link up keeps me blogging and posting recipes. Also I can't get enough of little Max and am so happy he came into your life. Finn says woof!

  35. Thanks for hosting, Miz Helen. I love linking up here. Hope you will join me for my linky party...Tasty Thursdays. Thanks, Nichi www.mandatorymooch.blogspot.com

  36. Thank you so much for featuring Katie's Star Bird Feeder. We had so much fun making it. This week I brought over some Strawberry Banana Smoothies to start the day. Have a peaceful weekend Miz Helen, it's always a pleasure to stop by :)

  37. Thank for you featuring the Chai Macaroons! And congratulations on your nomination! (I'd tweet it except I'm not on Twitter either. haha!) Have a lovely weekend!

  38. Hello Miz Helen,

    Thank you so much for hosting. Glad I'm following you on facebook, I saw the reminder, and headed over :)

    Sooo much yummy food, can't wait to visit other blogs.

    Have a wonderful day, and stop by anytime to say hello if you can.
    P.s. After coming back from an extended blogging break, I've started a 40 day challenge to get HEALTHY by my birthday. If you get a chance to check it out, I could sure use the support!
    Hugs, Bella :)
    Bella's 40 Day Challenge

  39. Hi Mz helen I am sharing Carrot Muffins today. Tasty for your breakfast. Hope you enjoy.................Andi thewednesdaybaker thanks for the party I'll go vote

  40. Thank you for hosting each week as usual and for being kind enough to feature my omelet this time. Have a great weekend Helen!


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen