Spicy Butternut Bread

Come on in the kitchen and have a seat here at the table with me. I have just brought this Spicy Butternut Bread out of the oven. I will bring you a slice so we can have it with our tea.

Spicy Butternut Bread

We had a wonderful Butternut Squash production this year. We have every size and I am excited about creating recipes using my Butternut Squash from our garden.

  • To prepare the Butternut Squash. Slice down the center of the Squash and remove the seeds.
  • Wrap the Squash half in plastic wrap and place in the micro wave for 8 minutes for a large Squash. 
  • Leave the plastic wrap on until the squash is cool enough to handle. 
  • Scoop the cooled Squash out with a spoon.
  • Puree in a food processor or blender

Spicy Butternut Bread
Makes 1 Large Loaf or 6 Mini Loaves
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar or 3/4 cups Agave Nectar
2 eggs
If  you are using Agave then:
1 1/2 cups flour AP or GF
If you are using sugar
1 3/4 cups flour AP or GF
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper(or to taste)
2 cups butternut squash puree
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 cup chopped walnuts
  • Cream butter and sugar  together until smooth add eggs one at a time beating after each one. 
  • Combine flour and next six ingredients add to butter and sugar mixture alternating with squash puree, beginning with and ending with flour.  Stir in vanilla and nuts.
  • For 1 large loaf bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour
  • For 6 mini loaves bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour
The recipe was doubled for this photo

As I was developing this recipe I wanted it to have the taste of the butternut and yet be able to taste the layers of the other spice. This is a very moist bread and the longer it sits the better it gets. Of course you can dress it up a bit with a little dollop of cream and a sprig of mint. We just ate it straight from the oven. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.  I am so glad that you could come by and have tea with me today. Please come back to see me soon. I really look forward to your visits.
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
This Post is Linked To:
Christmas Menu
Whats For Dinner Next Week
Sunday Brunch
Countdown to 2011
Holiday Recipe Exchange
Recipe Swap Thursday
Hungry Recipe Swap Sundays
Whats On The Menu Wednesday
Gold Star Wednesday
Whatcha Makin Wednesdays
Tasty Tuesday
Tuesday At The Table
 Hearth and Soul Hop
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Slightly Indulgent Tuesday
Dr. Laura's Tasty Tuesday

Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves - we know how wonderful your kitchen smelled as these were baking! I would love a piece of this warm from the oven with just a tiny bit of butter. Delicious!

  2. What does AP stand for and are the cooking times different for GF (Gluten Free)? (I know they usually are.)Also is there a substitute for agave? This sounds very delicious.

  3. I'm just sayin...
    AP means all purpose. For the Gluten Free option I used Agave, because that is what I had on hand,you might be able to use another substitute. The oven time will depend on the oven and the different flour that is used. I would check it at 1 hour.
    Thank you for asking let me know how yours turns out.

  4. I'm Just Sayin' - I think some yacon syrup would work in place of the agave...but wouldn't use 3/4 of a cup. More like 1/4 of a cup and maybe 1/2 cup palm sugar.

    And, Miz Helen...I might have to bake a big 'ol batch of this. It looks heavenly!! I love the earthy richness of cloves and especially like the addition of cayenne. Just a little heat to spice things up.

  5. The spices you used are perfect. I love them all.

  6. My 14 mo old loves butternut squash. I bet she would really like this bread. I'm tempted to leave in the cayenne pepper. No time like the present time to get her used to spicy food.

  7. Oooh, this looks good! I've never made butternut bread, but I'd love to try it in the breadmaker one day. Thanks for the idea!

  8. Oh my, your Butternut Bread looks so good! If I get any squash out of my garden this would be a great recipe for it:)

  9. What a delicious way to eat more vegetables. Those spices sound like they give the bread a nice warm flavor.

  10. Another great butternut recipe, thanks Miz Helen!

  11. What I wouldn't give to join you for a slice (or two) of this gorgeous bread! I wish I grew butternut squash...I'm gonna force myself to remember to plant some next year. Beautiful, Miz Helen...thank you for sharing your bread with the hearth and soul hop this week :)

  12. Lovely bread.. :)
    Thanks for the lovely words, Miz...
    After visiting your blog... I couldn't stop myself from following you :)


  13. Melody, Betty, Jen, Sujana,
    Welcome to The Cottage. We are so happy that you will be following along with us. I will look forward to seeing you here.

  14. My mom would love this bread, so I'll have to give the recipe to her. Thanks for visiting my blog today and I hope my recipe gave you a new way to cook your squash. You gave me a new idea for it too.

  15. My mom just brought us a box full of butternut squash that are just calling out to made into bread! Yum!

  16. I love butternut squash. Your bread looks great and I wish I could sit down with you to enjoy it. Love your blog Miz Helen.

  17. I've never seen butternut squash made into a bread before - it sounds divine!

  18. I bet that cayenne pepper really brought that out.
    Looks really good and please stop by and link up
    with me!

  19. Thanks for stoppin' by for a Latte'. I am a big fan of butternut squash and this bread recipe looks delish!!!

  20. I don't belive I've ever cooked with butternut squash - this looks tasty!

    Thanks for linking to Gold Star Wednesday, hope to see you next week!

  21. Sounds delicious! I'm always trying to think of new ways to use squash!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. Let me know how the apple squares turn out for you if you do make them :)

  22. I always love having tea here! A savory bread is such a lovely thing to have on occasion. I would not have thought to put cayenne pepper in a bread but - why not!? Thanks for sharing this with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop!

  23. Ooooh, I love butternut squash! What a great sounding recipe. I made a soup last night with butternut squash - very different from your traditional squash soup. I plan on posting it soon! - www.delightfulcountrycookin.com

  24. Cheryl,
    Welcome to The Cottage. I am so happy to have you following along. I will look forward to seeing you here.

  25. Yummy! This bread looks delicious. I've added zucchini to bread but never butternut before. I love the idea of this and I'm adding it to my list of must trys.

  26. I've never heard of a butternut bread before! And I love the idea of making it spicy! I'll be adding this to my "recipes to try" list!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

  27. Miz Helen, this butternut bread looks wonderful! I never did like just eating the squash by itself, but this I can see eating...and enjoying!!

    Thanks for sharing with Dr. Laura's Tasty Tuesday!

    Dr. Laura

  28. Fresh baked bread... I can smell it from here!

    e-Mom @ Susannah's {Kitchen}

  29. My mom & I cooked 3 loafs today of this bread. She has been eating the squash some. It is a new one for me tho! Anyway today we got started and made the first loaf just like it said with AP & sugar. Great my husband will love it he likes it spicy! He married me and anyway ....Mom wanted the 2nd loaf so we cut back on the cayenne pepper maybe 1/8 tsp. and we liked that. Then the 3rd loaf we made for my son with no pepper and added 1 tsp vanilla in it. It was good! They were all good!! My mom just kept saying this is good! After each taste of each loaf. We made a big loaf and just poured some of it in one small loaf pan. So we had a sample one to taste! Thanks so much for sharing this!! Me & mom had a good time baking and we played a game while it was baking. Fun day! Next time maybe make the custard one. Thanks again and it does smell good!

  30. I am back to report that Austin, my son, likes the recipe as is and when I make it again to make it that way. And Greg my husband would like me to make it again. So thanks to you I have a new recipe that we all like! I also remember I did try and grow some of these butternut squash soon after Austin was born they did make a few and I did not know really what to do with them. And the baby was a handful. So I did not try any more but I will now! Thanks Miz Helen, feel a hug!

  31. I can never have too much butternut! This sounds lovely.

  32. Thanks for coming by and joining the Holiday Recipe exchange. This looks amazing!! I can just imagine what it smells like. Perfect timing too- just bought some butternut squash and was debating what to do with it.

  33. Nice bread!! I've never thought to use butternut squash (which I LOVE) -- thanks! And, thanks for linking it up to the Countdown to 2011!

  34. Oh my this looks delicious. I hope you'll come back for more Sunday Brunch next week. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Kristi @
    Veggie Converter

  35. I can practically SMELL this baking now! I cant wait to bake this. Thank you so much for sharing!

  36. I've never thought about making anything like this with my favorite fall veggie! I just happen to have everything in my pantry to make this gorgeous loaf cant wait!

  37. this sounds and looks fabulous cant wait to make it!


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Miz Helen