Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-12-24

Whats For Dinner Next Week, 5-12-24 at Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Hello everyone, glad to see you here on the Mothers Day weekend. I have been so blessed to be able to hear from so many of my  friends and family already. My daughter is planning a lovely luncheon for me and her Mother-In Law, it will be so nice. My husband has finished his project of restoring our flagstone patio and it is beautiful, we just love that area of our property. I am checking the weather and reviewing my freezer and pantry inventories. I am about to make some meal plan decisions with some great spring recipes.

Mothers Day
Left Over 
Garlic Cheese Quick Bread
Left Over
Italian Lemon Cream Cake
Left Over
Strawberry Banana Bars With
 Peanut Butter Frosting
Homemade On A Weeknight

Living The Gourmet
Lou Lou Girls
Left Over
Pineapple Dream
Wishing each of you a very special Mothers Day! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit with us and we hope you will come back to see us real soon!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. The Bacon and Tomato Quiche sounds really good! How lovely that your daughter is having you over for lunch, I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day Miz Helen!

  2. Thank you the lovely ideas. The grilled balsamic chicken and grilled potatoes sound really good to me. Thank you for sharing and for joining Fiesta Friday Party! We hope to see you again.


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Miz Helen